After over 5 years from our birth (Bia was born in 2011), few years ago our management board and the member’s assembly gave the green light for the construction of our consortium’s website. For us it is a great pleasure to finally introduce it to you.
It took us a long time, in order to collect all necessary and most appropriate material to tell you our amazing business reality and our important story of mutual collaboration.
Our consortium is an important example of productive aggregation that consents to the best national agricultural production to introduce itself to the market as one single body.
Inside our company structure there are 11 farms and each of them is leader in its own productions; moreover, the 80% of our productive base is produced within our management board.
For this reason, we can state that the supply chain will be shortened, and direct voice will be given to agriculture.
Together we represent the first Italian productive business in fresh organic fruit and vegetables field, counting over 3000 hectares of productive fields, and over 650000 quintals of fresh organic fruit and vegetables and we can make ourselves a credible spokesperson for Italian productive excellence.
It is a business which is extremely rich in lands, excellent products, cultures and of great passions and competences that we have been able to tell and communicate about through our new website directly to the public.
We all decided to construct our website upon the maximum transparency and openness. Enclosed in the website you will therefore find important company documents, such as the statute, the corporate compliance, and the Chamber of commerce company registration certificate.