
Mostly known and used in kitchen than in medicine, it grants full benefits for health, thanks to its unbelievable therapeutic properties. It is an excellent ally for the cardiovascular system and it ensures precious medical and healing properties. Here are 10 beneficial properties of the garlic:

  • It is an anti-coagulant: allicin is one of the most important active principles which the garlic contains. It opposes the platelet aggregation that causes dangerous coagulations in the blood circulation.
  • Among the medical properties of garlic there is its ability of favouring the vasodilation. This way, it can grant a hypotensive action, to prevent hypertension and keeping the blood pressure under control.
  • It restrains the aggregation of “bad” cholesterol inside the blood vessels.
  • Garlic is the ideal ally against bacteria, virus, parasites and fungi: it is a natural antibiotic, antiseptic, antibacterial and immunostimulatory and it can strengthen immunitary defences.
  • Thanks to its antioxidant actions, garlic can contrast the process of tissue aging.
  • It has got the full control upon glycemia levels in the blood: garlic, thanks to its alkaloids, is useful to keep under control the sugar levels in the blood.
  • Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and anti-septic properties, garlic is an excellent remedy against many season diseases, such as airway infections and colds.
  • It also has a remarkable antispasmodic activity, useful to prevent muscular cramps and abdominal pain.
  • Garlic also has an efficient chelating action, that opposes the dangerous aggregation of heavy metals due to fine smog powders.
  • Strong in its anti-inflammatory properties, garlic helps also in beauty and well-being treatments.