
Queens of tubers, the potatoes are rich in vitamin C, helpful against free radicals’ damages.
Moreover, the presence of potassium makes them an excellent remedy against hypertension.
Potato slices wraps can be helpful in case of light burns, and the potato starch can also be used to treat dry skin.

Potatoes are an energetic food and help treating digestion system inflammations; they favour the formation and expulsion of abundant and soft stools and they are helpful in case of haemorrhoids, in case of gastritis, stomach duodenum ulcers and in case of ulcerative colitis.

The potatoes are rich in complex carbohydrates, so they are helpful for those who have diabetes. Complex carbohydrates in fact, must be decomposed in simple sugars before being absorbed by the body cells. That means that enter into circulation gradually, contributing to a greater stability of blood sugar.
Potatoes give a strong sense of satiety and that is why the help controlling the hunger and lose weight.