
The strawberry is a rich source of many nutrients and particularly sugars, vitamins, flavonoids and anthocyanins.
These nutrients, acting in a synergic way, confer very useful properties to the strawberry, such as promoting the health and preventing many diseases.

The content of sugars in strawberries is modest (little more than 5 g for 100g) and consequently also the calories intake is low. An abundant consumption is not advisable in case of obesity and diabetes.

Strawberries contain a good quantity of fibres and a very neglectable quantity of fats. Moreover, they are many rich in essential nutrients.

Among minerals, the manganese stands out, whose properties will be described in the following paragraph.
100 g of strawberries contain the 13% of daily intake recommended by guidelines.

Among all vitamins, the most represented is the vitamin C: among the summer fruit, strawberries have a higher content of this vitamin with a content of 58 mg in 100g of product and a daily recommended intake of 85 mg for the adult woman and 105 mg for the adult man.