
It is known that tomatoes contain infinite beneficial properties.
According to recent researches, the tomato reduces of 55% the risk of being hit by a stroke.
The research comes from a Finnish study, published on the magazine neurology.
This is thanks to the lycopene, an alkyl compound that belongs to the group of carotenoids.

The lycopene works – states the author of the research – as an antioxidant, it reduces the inflammations and prevents the blood coagulation. The research lasted 12 years and it showed that who had high levels of lycopene in the blood, also had less chance of having a stroke.

A further reassurance that consuming more than 5 portions of fruit and vegetables every day can lead to a high reduction in number of strokes and cardiovascular diseases.

Tomato also has anti-depressive properties and against bad mood.
According to a research of January 2013 on the journal of affective disorders, the tomato – if consumed at least a pair of times a week – it can be a valid ally against depression crisis, sadness and bad mood.

Scientists in fact, have tried to understand if whoever eats tomatoes twice a week is able to prevent depression more easily than who do not.
The research was conducted by a team of Japanese and Chinese researchers guided by the professor Kaijun Niu of the China Tianjin Medical University.

This research has analysed food habits and mental health of almost 1000 people, immediately noticing how tomato can have beneficial consequences on the mood.
After accurate analyses, they found out that whoever ate tomatoes from 2 to 6 times a week had 46% less chance of suffering depression, thanks to beneficial effects of the lycopene.

Immediately scientists got interested to this substance and started deepening the knowledge about this powerful antioxidant: the power of reducing oxidative stress, can be useful not only for the entire body, protecting it from cardiovascular diseases of tumoral forms, but also to prevent damages on cerebral cells, acting directly against depression.

If tomatoes if the fruit of good mood, carrots, cabbages, onions and pumpkins have revealed instead a minimum effect upon the psychologic well-being.